Established in 2021, DataPinter is a leading SaaS company dedicated to empowering online sellers in Indonesia. Our innovative tools and solutions are designed to help entrepreneurs succeed in the competitive digital marketplace. With a mission to assist at least one million online sellers across Indonesia, we are committed to providing the resources and support needed for their growth and success.
At DataPinter, we believe in the power of technology to transform businesses. Our user-friendly platform offers a comprehensive suite of features tailored to the unique needs of Indonesian sellers, helping them optimize their operations, increase sales, and enhance customer satisfaction.
Join us on our journey to revolutionize e-commerce in Indonesia and make a lasting impact on the lives of millions of online entrepreneurs.
Saat ini Sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru untuk menempati Posisi sebagai.
Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2024
Dibutuhkan Untuk Posisi :
- Typescript Developer – Full Stack
Kualifikasi :
- Kerja di kantor
1 – 3 tahun pengalaman
Minimal Diploma (D1 – D4)
21-40 tahun
Pendidikan :
- Minimal Diploma (D1 – D4)
Pengalaman :
1 – 3 tahun pengalaman
Min. Requirements:
1. Umur 21+
2. Mempunyai pengalaman di bidang nya minimal 1 tahun
3. Cantumkan Github Link
4. Tidak harus sarjana Computer Science
5. Suka explore dunia coding
Personal traits:
1. Dapat belajar dan memecahkan masalah secara mandiri (Critical Thinking)
2. Bekerja dengan cepat (Speed of Development)
3. Disiplin dalam waktu (Punctual)
Skills Required:
Fluent in Typescript
Front End capability in Next.js with Typescript and State Management
Back End capability in Express.js (or similar) with Typescript, Async, RDB with ORM, and REST & Socket API
1. Gaji pokok mulai dari Rp 5.000.000 all-in (tergantung skill & experience)
2. Jatah cuti satu bulan 1x
Pengembangan perangkat lunak multiplatform berbasis Typescript (Web, Mobile, Desktop, Browser Extensions).
WFO 9.00 – 17.00 (Senin s.d Jumaat)
WFH 9.00 – 17.00 (Sabtu) – bila diperlukan
Apabila Kamu Tertarik denganĀ Lowongan Kerja Silahkan dapat mengirimkan Lamaran kerja Via Online melalui Link yang tertera dibawah ini.